All eyes on lazy Himachal PWD and Shimla MC

Shimla : Only six weeks to go for the pre-monsoon showers to hit Himachal Pradesh and the PWD and Shimla MC is just begun to stir to repair roads.
Many are asking will the wretched government machinery let down the people again or at least make a meek effort to fill the back breaking pot holes.
There are already noises in the government offices that because of the model code of conduct in force tarring of roads may be affected again . Good excuse as usual .
Sun Post has over the past few months been writing about the relentless digging of roads in the state capital.
Most roads have been dug up many times to lay 4g fibres . The benefits of 4g may still take a long time to reach the people but the roads in Shimla are in the worst condition ever .

Added to the mass digging is the muddy and dusty roads causing a lot of suffering to walkers .
There is some activity by the PWD on the Brockhurst-Kasumpati road . But nothing has so far happened in the New Shimla area which has some of the worst roads in town.
When will the MC start repairing the roads here. Residents say they haven’t seen the civic councillor’s face for ages .
Even on the mall road the dug up roads are being filled in at a snail’s pace by the MC . No sign of tarring these dug up portions yet .

If the PWD and the MC don’t repair the roads this time, get ready for the monsoons when the pot-holed roads will only get worse .
And as usual the public will not raise a protest but bear it God only knows why !